Macroscopic features |
Pileus 5-10 x 3-6 mm when still closed, up to 14 mm when expanded, ovoid, conical or ellipsoid, whitish with dark brown, sepia centre. Veil breaking up in dark brown, woolly scales and becoming paler with drying. Lamellae, L = 32-40(-50), l = 0-3, rather crowded, free, first white, then grey to blackish. Stipe up to 60 x 1-2 mm, white, greyish white, somewhat floccose at base. |
Microscopic features |
Spores [180,9,7] 5.3-10.6 x 4.1-8.3 µm, ovoid or ellipsoid, mainly rounded at apex, medium red-brown, with central to slightly eccentric, 1.3-1.5 µm wide germ pore; Q = 1.05-1.45, av. Q = 1.20-1.30; av. L = 6.1-10.1, av. B = 4.6-8.0 µm. Basidia 12-28 x 8-10 µm, 4-spored, surrounded by (4-)5-7(-8) pseudoparaphyses. Pleurocystidia 50-100(-120) x 16-25(-28) µm, subcylindrical, oblong and then often with tapering apex. Cheilocystidia 40-80(-100) x 18-28(-32) µm, (sub)cylindrical, oblong, ellipsoid, conical or utriform. Elements of veil thick-walled, multiple-branched and diverticulate, 3-7(-10) µm wide; excrescences rounded; walls up to 1.5 µm thick. Clamp-connections present. |
Habitat & distribution |
In small groups, solitary or a few together, on Phragmites and other grasses. Widespread in Europe but not common. Holotype of C. subtigrinellus from Venezuela, South America. |
Remarks |
Although macroscopically Coprinus tigrinellus usually is fairly well characterized by the dark brown (sepia) veil on the pileus, this may be less distinctly developed. The distinctive character, however, of this species is to be found in the rounded excrescences of the elements of the veil. |