Kees Uljé Coprinus site

Coprinus krieglsteineri Bender - (NL: Zijdeglansinktzwam, 027.16.0)

Coprinus krieglsteineri Bender, Beitr. Kenntn. Pilze Mitteleur. III (1987) 215.
Selected icon. Bender l.c. between 216 and 217.

[Copyright © by Hans Bender]

  Pileus up to 8-20 x 4-7 mm when still closed, up to 15-30(-40) mm when expanded, first ellipsoid or cylindrical ellipsoid, whithis to pale grey with hazel- bis dark braun centre (Mu. 7.5 YR 3/2; Me. 7F8), and covered with very thin, web-like, silky veil (veil more dense at margin), than becoming campanulate or conical and grey-brown, dark at centre (Mu. 10 YR 4/2; Me. 6D3), paler towards margin (Mu. 10 YR 6/2; Me. 5D3). Lamellae, L = c. 40, l = 0-3, free, first white, than brown, finally black. Stipe up to 80 x 1-2 mm, white, dense minute floccose; base equal or tapering and rooting.
  Spores [100,5,4] 9.7-14.1 x 5.8-7.2 µm, oblong, ellipsoid or ovoid with rounded base and apex, and central, c. 1.4 µm wide germ pore, dark red-brown; Q = 1.65-2.05, av. Q = 1.80-1.95; av. L = 11.0-12.8, av. B = 6.1-6.6 µm. Basidia 22-43 x 9-11 µm, 4-spored, surrounded by 4-6(-7) pseudoparaphyses. Pleurocystidia 70-160 x 28-55 µm, utriform, subcylindric or oblong. Cheilocystidia 35-115 x 18-45(-55) µm, ellipsoid (often conical), subglobose, (broadly) utriform, or subsylindric. Pileipellis hypoid. Veil 50-150(-200) x 9-18 µm, made up of short chains, up to 4 cylindrical elements; terminal cells often somewhat fusiform; veil elements on stipe often diverticulate. Clamp-connections present.

Habitat & distribution

  Growing solitary or a few together (subfasciculate). Very rare on paths with wood-chips. Known only from Germany (3 localities) and the Netherlands (1 locality).


  Coprinus krieglsteineri can be recognised by the thin, web-like veil on the pileus, which gives the young basidiocarps a silky gloss. The veil soon disappears but stays for a long time at margin.

Copyright © by Kees Uljé
Edited for the Web with help from Marek Snowarski Fungi of Poland site