Kees Uljé Coprinus site

Coprinus impatiens (Fr.) Quél. - (NL: Spitscellige donsinktzwam, 026.38.0)

Coprinus impatiens (Fr.) Quél. in Fl. mycol. France: 42. 1888.

[Copyright © by Hans Bender]

  Closed pileus up to 16 x 12 mm, dark red-brown to ochre-brown at centre, paler towards margin, up to c. 30 mm wide when expanded. Lamellae narrowly adnate, rather distant; L = 14-21, l = 0-3. Stipe 30-80 x 0.5-2 mm, whitish, pubescent.
  Spores [100,5,5] 10.6-11.3 x 6.2-7.6 µm, av. L= 10.7-10.9, av. B= 6.7-6.9 µm, Q= 1.45-1.75, av. Q= 1.55-1.65, ellipsoid to ovoid; germ pore weakly eccentric to almost central, c. 1.5 µm wide. Basidia 20-40 x 9-10 µm, 4-spored. Pseudoparaphyses 4-6(-7) per basidium. Cheilocystidia 25-50 x 8-15 µm, lageniform with distinctly tapering neck and 2-6 µm wide apex. Pleurocystidia absent. Pileocystidia 50-100 (-125) x 12-22 µm, lageniform with tapering neck, 3-6 µm wide at apex. Sclerocystidia absent. Clamp-connections present.


  Terrestrial, often at grassy places. Solitary to gregarious. Rather common.


  Microscopically C. impatiens closely resembles C. heterothrix. The differences are the presence of veil remnants consisting of hyphae at the centre of the pileus in C. heterothrix and the more ovoid spores of that species. Moreover, the germ pore is often somewhat projecting in C. heterothrix and not at all in C. impatiens.
  Macroscopically C. impatiens has more crowded lamellae.

Copyright © by Kees Uljé
Edited for the Web with help from Marek Snowarski Fungi of Poland site